Recording, Mixing, Production, Video Edit, • 7/14/20 B-Spot - No Mercy {House} (Sax: Angel Cure) Previous Κοίτα με - Labrina Manou - Frozen 2/Show Yourself (Greek) Next 784L - Πρώτα θα πέσεις You Might Also Like In your eyes - Sofía (The Weeknd Cover) Drog - Η 'Αγχος (Official Music Video) Daniel Se - "Καύλα & Μελάνι" Official Music Video (Prod. B-Spot) Όταν το ανοίξεις - Mice The Swing Band / Μάκης Δημάκης Swing Remake (Quarantine Session #2) ταφρομι x Drog - Όσα (Prod. CXLVII)
Recording, Mixing, Production, Video Edit, • 7/14/20 B-Spot - No Mercy {House} (Sax: Angel Cure) Previous Κοίτα με - Labrina Manou - Frozen 2/Show Yourself (Greek) Next 784L - Πρώτα θα πέσεις You Might Also Like In your eyes - Sofía (The Weeknd Cover) Drog - Η 'Αγχος (Official Music Video) Daniel Se - "Καύλα & Μελάνι" Official Music Video (Prod. B-Spot) Όταν το ανοίξεις - Mice The Swing Band / Μάκης Δημάκης Swing Remake (Quarantine Session #2) ταφρομι x Drog - Όσα (Prod. CXLVII)